Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Georgia O'Keeffe vs. Adolf Hitler

Today on Godwin's Law Art Revue we compare Georgia O Keefe's cleverly-titled "Blue Flowers"

to Hitler's untitled painting of some flowers in a vase.

I gotta start by saying that all I know about Georgia O'Keeffe is that she was mentioned on Family Guy as only painting flowers that look like vaginas and I think this is a strong argument for that theory. My mom really likes her paintings and growing up it always seemed like an old lady thing rather than a vaginal thing, though I guess those two are the same when you really think about it.

This may be the best painting Hitler did. The colors are good, it looks realistic, the vase is oddly-shaped but that may have been what actually happened. The flowers that fell out of the vase look interesting, compared to many of his dull work we see elsewhere.

O'Keeffe's picture offers me nothing but a slight twinge of horniness.
The color is well-done, almost like neon, but, again, it doesn't interest me much, content-wise, and I keep imagining fucking it.

One interesting thing is that Hitler's flowers look more like flowers than Georgia O Keeffe's do, though hers are saying much more, unless you think of the message as being "paint instead of murdering millions of people," in which case I'd give credit to Hitler's painting for being more meaningful.
That said, Hitler's painting is still not that good, but for Hitler it's pretty high up there.

I give Hitler's painting
2 mustaches

and Georgia O'Keeffe's 3 mustaches

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